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手机外网加速器 Still needs sanding and oil, but used up a bunch of scraps, and I think I like how it's shaping up



Dan Lyke 永久免费外网加速器

推荐个能上外网的手机加速器 Made a router sled to surface this piece of olive that I slabbed out with a chain saw a couple of years ago


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In case you hand any wonders who they were working for: Maine’s police intelligence center sent reports on activists to corporations

Corporate executives at Avangrid, Hannaford’s, ExxonMobile, Bath Iron Works and other large corporations with connections to Maine were sent regular reports by the state police’s intelligence unit, the Maine Information and Analysis Center (MIAC), tracking Black Lives Matter and anti-CMP corridor activists and including unsubstantiated rumors spread by the extreme right.



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The challenge is: build an outdoor table using that slab of granite and some leftover redwood scrap. I'm going for a small trestle table...


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安卓上外网的加速器 Another recent project: Bagheera likes to sleep on Charlene's pillow, crowding her, so we made this fold down shelf to put a pillow on and shove him into, for more room on the bed.


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Watched Fast Color安卓上外网的加速器 last night. I think this is one that's gonna sneak up on me, kinda like Last Black Man in San Francisco永久免费外网加速器. Both of us were pulled in and think we'd like to see it again (and we don't watch that many movies to start with, let alone again), and we're both still trying to figure out what we thought about it. Lorraine Toussaint and Gugu Mbatha-Raw were both amazing. The camera work brought a heck of a lot to dive into. The scenery is stark and raw.... The trailer tells very little, and the reviews are either bemused that they loved it, or disappointed that it was a superhero movie that wasn't a superhero movie. But, yeah, I want to watch it again.

Friday July 31st, 2023

Humboldt Health Department & COVID-19

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From Humboldt County: Confessions of a California Covid Nurse

A California county’s efforts to stop the spread has also become a battle with the public’s denial. Erica Dykehouse will wait for minds to change.

"Warrant Squad"

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The NYPD unit that snatched a protester off the street has been accosting people for years

The plainclothes NYPD Warrant Squad that “kidnapped” a Black Lives Matter protester, explained.


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RT ThadCulley

DHS targeting journalists

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Well, we know who they consider the enemy: DHS compiled ‘intelligence reports’ on journalists who published leaked documents

“To broadly disseminate an intelligence report, including to numerous state and local law enforcement agencies, about a DHS leak to a reporter strikes me as bizarre,” said Steve Bunnell, who served as the department’s general counsel for three years in the Obama administration. If department officials were concerned about unauthorized disclosures, they should refer the matter to the inspector general or handle it internally, he said.

I call this overthinking a

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永久免费外网加速器 I call this "over-thinking a wastebasket lid"

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Research Says Violent Cops Cause Violent Protests

That’s one of the findings in “New Directions in Protest Policing,” a 2015 paper that reviews decades upon decades of police history and the conclusions of multiple separate commissions. Police that dress like they’re going to war, who try to control First Amendment expression rather than facilitate it, and who act in arbitrary ways can inflame violence and jeopardize their own safety and that of the public.

Thursday July 30th, 2023


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It started as a noise complaint. It ended in another fatal Phoenix police shooting

Justice for Breonna Taylor

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We Want More Justice For Breonna Taylor Than The System That Killed Her Can Deliver

We want to invite a broader and deeper conception of justice for Breonna Taylor and other survivors and family members harmed by police violence – one rooted in reparations, modeled on Chicago’s recent successful struggle for reparations for survivors and families of people tortured by former Chicago Police Commander Jon Burge. The reparations framework outlines 5 elements – repair, restoration, acknowledgment, cessation and non-repetition.


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Lucky the US didn't assassinate him and install a replacement more friendly to agribusiness: New York Times obituary: Mason Gaffney, Who Argued for Taxing Only Land, Dies at 96

“To some people all taxes are equally terrible,” Professor Gaffney wrote in a 20-page paper summarizing his economic theories. But, he contended, land-value taxes are relatively virtuous and far less intrusive than income taxes.

“Land yields an economic surplus,” he wrote. “It dawns on some as quickly as a bursting tropical daybreak, and on others more like a boreal twilight, that a surplus may be taxed, and that the property tax on land garners that social surplus for the public treasury without impairing any functional private economic incentive. It may, indeed, often sharpen incentives.”

Flirtatious Transit

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Perhaps the 'Flirtatious Anal Dildo For Cock Hungry Blonde Slut' Is Just Passionate About Transit

“Any idea what’s going on here? LOL,” a man <span>tweeted</span> Sunday evening. Attached was a video of himself Googling the Waterbury Metro-North station in Connecticut. After the ordinary transit info came the second search result: “Waterbury - Flirtatious Anal Dildo For Cock Hungry Blonde Slut - MTA.”

Wednesday July 29th, 2023

Sex With Ducks

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I'm giggling so hard: Sex With Ducks: the Music Video by Garfunkel and Oates


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ProPublica: We Are Tracking What Happens to Police After They Use Force on Protestors

These 68 videos show clear apparent instances of police officers escalating violence during protests. Most departments refused to share details about investigations and discipline or even officers’ names. Here’s what we learned about each case.


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Supreme Court of Virginia: Crawford v UNITED STEELWORKERS, AFL-CIO 335 S.E.2d 828 (1985)

To call a person a "cocksucker" does not, under the circumstances of this labor dispute, convey the false representation that the individual engaged in sodomy. Nor does calling a person a "motherfucker," under the circumstances of this case, convey the false representation that the person engaged in incest.

Tuesday July 28th, 2023

Swastika wearing anti-Nazis?

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Couple flaunt swastika face masks at southwestern Minnesota Walmart

“If you vote for Biden, you’re going to be living in Nazi Germany,” the woman with the swastika mask told Mueller, as her companion bagged up toilet paper and an enormous canister of cheeseballs. The two were apparently using the masks to protest Minnesota’s mask mandate, which took effect Saturday.

Sex worker safety progress

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California Governor To Sign Bill Giving Sex Workers Safety In Reporting Crimes

The California State Legislature has passed a new bill which will help sex workers feel safer reporting crimes and carrying condoms, which Gov. Gavin Newsom intends to sign. SB 233, sponsored by State Sen. Scott Wiener, offers immunity to sex workers who report certain crimes and will also prevent the carrying of condoms being used as evidence of sex work.

“No one is safer when sex workers are afraid to report crimes and acts of violence. Silence only helps the perpetrators of those crimes. This legislation will help ensure serious and violent crimes are reported to law enforcement, and I thank the legislature for sending it to my desk,” said Newsom in an official press release.

where no one has gone before

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RT Spider (they/he) 🔯♿🏳️‍🌈 @vaspider

Me: *just knitting*
My brain: the easiest way to tell that Star Trek was written by white people is they say 'where no one has gone before' but like 90% of the planets they go to are inhabited

Repurposing Surveillance Networks

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One of the reasons I'm uncomfortable with my Ring camera devices. I don't know what other purposes the video streams end up used for: 求教:华为渠道服,有没有手机加速器可伍用_百度知道:最佳答案: 可腾讯手机管家小火箭清理加速内存,手机加速方面,腾讯手机管家率先推出桌面发射“小火箭”加速手机,这大大提升了大家对手机加速的热情,让手机安全软件不再...更多关于手机外网加速器的问题>>

Umbrella Man

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Minneapolis Police: 'Umbrella Man' was a white supremacist trying to incite George Floyd rioting

Police have also connected the 32-year-old man to a widely-publicized incident in Stillwater late last month, in which a Muslim woman was confronted by a group of men wearing white supremacist garb.

Monday July 27th, 2023


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“Your Butt Is Perfect”: Those Austin Police Department Thank-You Cards Are Even Stranger Than You Thought

An APD tweet went viral after internet sleuths theorized that the cards were a police stunt. We got ahold of documents to find the truth.

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Tax breaks for baseball and travel

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Trump wants tax breaks to lure baseball fans back, but incentive could misfire with attendance still barred

“We’re looking at deductions for business expenses, restaurants, baseball games, if hopefully they’re going to open,” Kudlow added last week. “Sightseeing, tourism — we’re looking at tax deductions there, too, to help the economy get going.”

Yeah, let's throw money at baseball, something that's already a net drain on local economies, and travel, when we should be paying people to stay the fuck at home.

Holy shit. Can we get some adults back in the government, please?

Antifa Terrorism

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Anti-fascists linked to zero murders in the US in 25 years

As Trump rails against ‘far-left’ fascism, new database shows leftwing attacks have left far fewer people dead than violence by rightwing extremists

The one death related to an Antifa attack was the attacker himself, shot while engaging in property destruction, mentioned yesterday.

Words on Fire

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腾讯网游加速器好用吗-站客网:今天 · 很多玩家对于腾讯手游加速器软件还不是很了解,不知道好不好用,下面小编就来给大家介绍一下,感兴趣的玩家一起来看看吧!腾讯网游加速器好用吗腾讯加速器是一款腾讯公司自主研发的加速器,支持千种游戏多个平台,完美加速各种游戏稳定不掉帧。

Author Helio Fred Garcia Takes on Danger of Incendiary Language in Divided Times

Author Helio Fred Garcia speaks with KSFR's MK Mendoza about how incendiary language can condition an audience to accept, condone, and commit violence against a targeted group, rival, or critics. His latest book, Words on Fire is about the power of communication to do great harm, and how civic leaders and engaged citizens can hold leaders accountable to prevent such harm.

Voice Acting and Race

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I'm finding this article fascinating. I grew up in a community that was far removed from the mainstream, and have my own processing and perception issues that impact how I understand and react to other people's emotions. I was long confused that acting didn't seem to be about portraying an emotion, but about performing some cues that we have learned a language to interpret as emotion, but that is really nothing like how people actually experiencing that emotion express it.

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The cues and stereotypes that they're looking for are imitations of the thing, rather than the thing, and that gets carried deeper into the culture and builds on itself.

The Atlantic: BoJack Horseman’s Diane Problem Is Now an Industry Problem — High-profile white voice actors are relinquishing their roles as characters of color. But the departures have caused divisions among their peers.

Black Lawyer in Boston

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推荐一款超稳定得外网加速器,免费试用 - 简书:2021年8月20日 - 很多留学科研人士和游戏玩家在浏览国外咨询和游戏连接时,都会遇到网络的限制,还需要各种去搜索可伍加速外网的加速器,市面上本来产品不多,质量更是参差...

I grew up in Prince George’s County in Maryland, which is one of the richest African American communities in the US. So it was definitely a culture shock when I first moved to Boston for law school, at Suffolk University. I remember I took the T for the first time, I think I took it at Park Street, and I could almost see the segregation. The Asians go on the Orange Line, the Black people go on the Red Line, the white people go on the Green Line.

Sunday July 26th, 2023

Open S3 buckets

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A cautionary tale: Chris Short: The AWS bill heard around the world


Dan Lyke comments (0)

Loving this Twitter thread: Heir to the Throne of the Kingdom of Idiots @NomeDaBarbarian

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This is going to be kinda like that but for biology.

You requested it, here it is. My name is Nome, and I'm here today to talk to you about weird animal fucking.


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Okay, it's one thing to know how many "I know"s Bill Withers sings before "hey I ought to leave the young thing alone", but it's quite another to know which "knows" are A, which are E, and which are C.

Friday July 24th, 2023

That thing where I see someone post a

Dan Lyke 免费外网加速器

That thing where I see someone post a speed test where they're happy with their Internet connection (42Mbps down, 4.something up), and a month ago I would totally have been happy with that. Thank you, Sonic Fiber for 20+x more down and 200+x more up!

Mercy mercy me

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I'm home until Marvin Gaye figures out what's going on.

Being a cop

Dan Lyke 免费外网加速器

The worst-case scenario — Converging in a tense section of Huntsville: A white police officer fresh from de-escalation training, a troubled black woman with a gun, and a crowd with cellphones ready to record


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DHS threatens Netflix filmmakers to keep damning footage from airing before the election: report

On Thursday, The New York Times 安卓上外网的加速器 that a pair of Netflix filmmakers shooting a behind-the-scenes documentary about President Donald Trump’s immigration policy were threatened by federal officials, ordered to delete footage unflattering to Immigration and Customs Enforcement Officers, and told to delay release of the documentary until after the 2023 election.

Music of the Morning

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Music of the morning:

The Sound of Silence on harp (blooper), notable for what's happening in the background of the video... (Via MeFi)

岳人-TAKETO- — Jon Gomm - Ain't Nobody (Chaka Khan) スラム奏法で弾いてみた  Guitar Cover (Via Jon Gomm on Twitter)

'I Am Antifa'

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NPR: 'I Am Antifa': One Activist's Violent Death Became A Symbol For The Right And Left

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on being called a "fucking bitch"

Dan Lyke comments (1)

A friend asked yesterday: Ladies/femmes/nbs: What's the most innocuous thing you've ever done that a man reacted to by calling you a "fucking bitch?"

The responses were enlightening, and disturbing.

This is a must-watch. All the way through. With concentration on every word.

CSPAN Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York, 14th District, Bronx, Queens) response to Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) remarks


Ocasio-Cortez slams Yoho's explanation of foul-mouthed confrontation

Metafilter discussion & links

CNN has Yoho's non-apology, with commentary: This Florida Republican just delivered a master class in how *not* to apologize

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